Our Concealed Carry class meets and exceeds the education requirements to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapons and Firearms License (CWFL). The more you know, the better prepared you'll be. If there is ever a time you need to use / draw your firearm, you could potentially have a wave of charges brought against you. Be Sure You Know The Laws.
This isn't a sit back and listen class... it's a get involved class. Ask questions. Talk through scenarios. Give us "what-if's." We're ready to talk about what you're thinking. And we're here to train you through the fog.
Your instructor will conduct a fun and informative class providing in-depth information about all of the following:
PLEASE NOTE: Per NRA and USCCA training guidelines, firearms and live ammunition are NOT permitted in the classroom. Please secure your firearms in your vehicle during the classroom portion of the day.
SIGN UP TODAY and get prepared. Get educated. Get trained.
St. Petersburg Location
Address given upon confirmation.
Call 727-344-9356
or email me with questions: Lisa@TheArmedFloridian.com
COVID-19 Notice:
In the interest of everyone's health and safety, we are asking students who do not feel well on the day of class to reschedule their class for a future date at no charge. If you need to reschedule your course, please email your original confirmation receipt to Contact@TheArmedFloridian.com, along with the date of the future class you would like to attend.
Concealed Carry
• Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien
• Be 21 years of age or older
Each student is responsible for paying their own $10 range fee when they arrive at the range for training.Please bring your Driver's License or Government Issued ID to the range as well as to class.